Thursday, November 15, 2012

In the beginning....

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”Anaïs Nin

Firstly, let me begin by saying I really do not know much about the art of blogging...

But like most of the mediums which I’ve explored in a lifetime as an artist, I figure blogging is just another medium to express my inside visions to the outside world. I suppose the obvious is that it has something like keeping a journal, but in a public platform. As for what I shall blog about, well, I am not exactly sure yet! Perhaps an experience that I have had on a particular day, or I may find that I discover a subconscious focus on a particular subject along the way. But one thing I am certain, it will be a process, and I will use it to explore, grow, share, and inspire myself and hopefully some of you who take a moment to ride along. I do know I’m now on the path of a new and exciting adventure.

My journey, though it will most definitely include actual traveling from one local to another, will most certainly be very much about the inner journey which “happens’ without the need for a search engine like Orbitz or Igougo! So, I begin with baby steps, a paragraph or two, a rant, a rave or maybe an “ah-ha” moment...I am so happy that you have decided to stop in, and travel with me for a spell...

I’ve begun this blog at this precise time in preparation for a five month journey to southeast Asia, beginning with Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and perhaps Malaysia and further to which I will be departing, at the end of this month. In hopes to keep connected to friends & family back in the US as well as others spread out around the globe, I’m looking forward to sharing insights or adventures as well as photos and recommended “must sees"the way.

One very challenging yet exciting decision I’ve made this time around has been my commitment to traveling light. I believe this will allow maximum freedom which having lots of things to look after dose not support. I also sense that my desire to “lighten up” is a direct reflection of the natural shift I’ve which I have been slowly making or several years; and now feel ready for the next leap!

In 2005 I was living in Wilmington, North Carolina, in a 1930s’ bungalow and once both my daughters moved out on their own, I downsized from our 1200 square foot, three bedroom, one and a half bath home, into the one bedroom, one bath 750 square foot garage apartment in the back yard. I was working very long hours, doing something I loved very much. I spent between 50 and 60 hours a week at my art gallery and found coming home to a smaller space, suited me fine. Besides it was less to clean on the rare occasion I was not at work! Another perk to moving to the apartment was when I rented out the larger home it rendered me basically flush as far as my mortgage was concerned.

Upon moving back to the west coast in 2007 I allowed myself to fill one medium size rental truck in order to make the long drive to Portland, Oregon, which was to be a new beginning, one of many! Being only a couple of years shy of my half way point birthday (50th that is!) I’d made a five year plan which included time to create art and to travel as well as creating income by means of my creative skills.. 

And so, I built a 650 square foot cottage with and open floor plan, this was lovely, but that travel bug was now ready to spread it’s wings. The time came for phase two; create the path to follow the sun as the cold winter’s engulfed Portland. Eventually though I absolutely loved living in the new cottage, or as I fondly named it, “The Casita" I choose to rent out my new creation. I decided that the best way to reach my present goals were rough it for a while and just live in the old garage which I had used as my art studio. This meant that I would have to tweak it some in order to be able to have it feel a bit more like home. It took close to a year, and a fair amount of booty but, now the place I call home, “The Nest” is literally only 325 square foot and so, so cozy. I liken it to living on a ship without the need for dramamine!
The “Nest"

This downsizing has really all been a reflection on an intentional shift of priorities I chose in order to facilitate my urning to travel the globe while I am physically able in relative comfort and on a very tight budget. So, living simple and traveling light all part of one great plan, there is a "big picture”. There are always trade-offs, and I feel for now, for today, I have reached a decent compromise which works for me.

ME Before....
And ME now.... 

Osprey Farpoint 55 Travel Pack

This pack features a state of the art shoulder strap and hip support system that zips neatly into a flap incase I decide to check it on rather then carry on. And best of all it has a removable zip-off day pack on the front!
(click on the packs name a preview video)

This about dose it for my first day of water, in my own bathtub is calling....gotta enjoy all the comforts of home, while I am here...BE HERE NOW- Right?

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